Inspiring younger generations to give.

by Dave Anderson, Church accountant Mgr. YCA

Statistics show that baby boomers, (born between 1946-1964), tend to be the most generous church givers.  Philanthropy Today found that boomers give on average $613 more per year than donors under 40.

There are a lot of reasons for this, such as boomers often being more financially secure than other age groups that still have young children, are paying off debt and are just beginning to build wealth.

Boomers will pass away and younger generations will become more financially secure. Church leaders need to find ways to encourage younger people to financially support ministry.  They need to intentionally start building cultures of generosity in order to continue healthy ministry.

Encouraging young people to financially support churches is a mix of education, engagement, and understanding their unique perspectives. Here are some strategies to consider:

1.      Education on Stewardship: Help young people understand the principles of stewardship and financial support. Offer workshops or sermons that explain the impact of giving and how it supports the church’s mission

2.      Transparent Communication: Share clear, honest information about how funds are used. Transparency builds trust and helps young people feel more connected to the church's financial health and goals.

3.      Create a Culture of Generosity: Foster an environment where generosity is celebrated and encouraged. Share stories of how contributions make a difference  and highlight positive impacts on the community and the church.

4.      Offer Various Giving Options: Make it easy for young people to give by offering several methods—online giving, mobile apps, text-to-give, or even setting up recurring donations. Many young people have never written a check and don’t carry cash. Technology is often a key factor for younger generations.

5.      Engage with Their Interests: Connect giving to their interests and passions. If a young person is involved in a particular ministry or cause within the church, highlight how their support directly benefits that area.  Offering the opportunity to support a specific project they are passionate about might inspire them to give more frequently.

6.      Involve Them in Planning: Involve young people in discussions about church needs and budget planning. This inclusion can increase their sense of ownership and commitment.  What is the average ago of your church board or finance committee?  Maybe there is a need for some change.

7.      Provide Financial Education: Offer resources or workshops on personal finance and budgeting. Understanding how to manage their own money can empower young people to give more confidently and effectively.  Financial Peace University is one of many great resources.

8.      Recognize and Appreciate Contributions: Acknowledge and celebrate the financial support of young people. Recognition doesn’t have to be grandiose but should make them feel valued and appreciated.   A simple thank you note means a lot.

9.      Create Giving Challenges: Set up friendly giving challenges or campaigns that appeal to young people’s sense of competition or community. Giving should be fun. These can also leverage social media to spread the word.

10.  Build Relationships: Foster genuine relationships with young people. When they feel a personal connection to church leaders and the community, they are more likely to feel invested in supporting the church financially.

11.  Encourage Volunteerism: Often, people are more willing to give financially when they are actively involved in the church. Encourage young people to volunteer, which can naturally lead to increased financial support.  Everyone wants the things they feel part of to thrive.

By aligning financial support strategies with the values, interests, and habits of young people, churches can create a more inclusive and effective approach to encouraging all generations to support them financialy.

Need help with giving strategies?  We can help!

Challenge!  Send a thank you note to five people who have supported your ministry financially!  

Sample:  “Dear (name), I just wanted to let you know that I love serving as your pastor.  People like you make ministry possible.

Our church continues to impact our community for Christ through your constant prayers and faithful financial support.  

Thank you for your willigness to give and invest in Kingdom work!.”

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