When Moving Makes the Most Sense!

by Dave Anderson-Church Accounts MGR. YCA

When to make bookkeeping changes….

Most people prefer to move from their home during the summer months.  The weather is warm and dry.  The kids are out of school.  It makes the most sense to move when there isn’t a chance of freezing rain!  (I’ve moved in freezing rain and don’t recommend it!) Summer is the optimal time to move from one home to another.

Are you been considering upgrading your accounting software or making changes to how your bookkeeping is done? There is an optimal for these moves as well.  (Hint, it isn’t summer!)

January is a great time for churches to make changes to their accounting software and processes for several key reasons:

1. New Fiscal Year Alignment  Many churches operate on a calendar fiscal year (January to December). Making changes in January allows the church to start fresh with new software and processes at the beginning of the financial year, ensuring a clean transition without disrupting the middle of the accounting cycle.  Kind of like having your kids not change schools mid-year.

2. Clean Slate for Financial Records  Churches can close out the prior year’s financial records in December and begin the new year with a fresh set of accounts. This minimizes complications of data migration and ensures that any new processes are applied consistently from the start of the year.  You can change software/procedures at any time, but it requires a lot of additional work and opportunity for errors when moving old data into new software/processes.

3. Simplified Reporting and Tax SeasonPreparation  By implementing new software or processes in January, churches can be better prepared for tax season. They can organize their donations, payroll, and financial reporting in a more streamlined and efficient manner, reducing errors and last-minute scrambling.  Why complicate IRS reporting if you don’t need to?

4. Budget Planning  Most churches create and finalize their annual budgets at the end of the year. Updating accounting processes or software in January ensures that the church can use more accurate tools to manage, track, and report on their budget throughout the year.

5. Slow Operational Period  For many churches, the holiday season tends to be very busy with programs and activities, while January can be a quieter period. This slower time allows staff to dedicate more focus to learning new systems, training, and adjusting to new processes without the pressure of high activity levels.

6. Improved Financial Transparency  Starting a new year with updated software can improve transparency and accuracy in financial reporting, which is crucial for maintaining the trust of the congregation and stakeholders who expect accountability and stewardship over donations.

7. Easier Donor Communication  With the beginning of a new year, churches often send out giving statements for tax purposes. New software or improved processes can streamline the creation and distribution of these statements, improving donor satisfaction and maintaining good records.

Just like moving across town, you can make bookkeeping changes whenever you want.  You can also choose to do so when it makes it less likely that you will be carrying boxes through the snow!

Implementing accounting changes at the start of the year ensures smoother transitions and sets the stage for more efficient and effective financial management throughout the year.

Are you ready to upgrade your accounting software or make bookkeeping changes?

Give us a call!  This is what we do!

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